Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Getting Noticed is Hard, Right?

Yeah, it is.  Working in the Artistic Field isn't a cake-walk.  It's more like a run down a steep mountain on the verge of an avalanche with poisonous plants lining it.  Just when you thought that you found a path to walk down BOOM you stepped too far and the ledge crumbles then BAM you fall right into an unsuspecting mountain lion.

You can never expect things you hope for to go exactly as planned; unless you laid out a path for yourself with no regrets or expectations don't expect shit.

I came across a post on a Facebook group where the OP was complaining about the group having such-and-such amount of people and their post only got a few likes.  I won't sugar coat that it was mainly them looking for people with the same problem to validate their issue.  Look, it happens.  Not everyone will like your stuff, especially in a group of artists who do the same thing as you.  There are preferences in the anime/manga world and The World in general.

Would you listen to a mix tape if the sample soundtrack the person played while you walked by had shitty quality that sounded like he recorded the voice while a jumbo jet was flying overhead?  Probably not.  So why would someone be drawn to an anime with shitty graphics?  I'm not saying this person's work was bad.  The guy with the mix tape could have great lyrics, you don't care at this point so you ignore him and keep walking.  This person's art did not stand out.  On Facebook, if something catches my eye I like it and move on otherwise I scroll pass it and never think about it again.

Something that peeved me while I was sifting through these comments was when they were comparing their work to "shittier scribbles that got more likes than theirs".  Stop comparing your work to others unless you look up to theirs'.  Stop comparing your work to "shit".  I don't look at a pile of dog shit and think, "Oh how I wish my art looked just like that..."  No, you don't do that!  If their work gets more likes than yours so the hell what?  Does that make it better than yours?  Does that mean they deserve any less and you deserve more?  Are you aiming to be mediocre or great?  Don't think about taking a step backwards for some pity, it won't get you anywhere.

When I began digital media I started from the picture shown above.  She had no knees, minimal shading, and was just crappy but don't even let me get started on my traditional art before I even dabbled here.  It took me a few years to even get to that first taste of digital media.  Even someone who turns out to be a prodigy has to move up.  If they were a prodigy at 13 and stay at that level until they're 33 they'll probably fall off the map as that-one-artist-who-formerly-was or some shit like that.

Even being here with the few things I'm proud of there is always an up.  Whether your up is in views, likes, monetized gain, fame, or even skill you need to work for what you want.  Aim higher, try harder, and stop whining for sympathy because you won't go anywhere with that mind set.

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