Saturday, April 27, 2013

So I'm going to start doing shirt designs

Here's the first design.  I can relate to feeling androgynous.
Having both feminine and masculine traits.

And I drew this adorable boy/girl just for you guys <3

I've been drawing a lot more lately and I love to design shirts

You can buy the shirt here:

I've got a lot of concepts and these mini(chibi) concepts are going to warm me up to the larger
more serious ones.  I hope you all enjoy them!

Friday, April 26, 2013

How I feel about that urge to give up(Artist perspective/advice)

There's always a big urge in the back of your mind when you have doubts.
It tells you to give up.  You want to just say "I give up" and actually follow that feeling.
 I feel that from time to time like any other person, artist or not. 

When I want to give up I force myself to say otherwise.  It's hard to do so.  
To say to yourself "No, I won't give up" and to actually feel that way.  It's natural
to have the urge to want to give up from time to time; you have to remember that the only
person who's giving up is yourself.  You DO NOT benefit from giving up.  
That feeling of doubt may be gone but it is soon followed by a feeling disappointment.

Disappointment in yourself that you couldn't stick it out and continue your
commitment.  People say honor your commitment.  I agree.  I believe that if you made
that decision to do it you should.  You'll feel better if you stick things out and accomplish
goals you set for yourself.

Just because I'm saying this is something that can help you get rid of that feeling
doesn't mean you won't get it again.  It's all about the discipline you give yourself to push through and accomplish things.

So don't give up or give in.  Stick through it and do things even if you feel like you want to give up.
Giving up only wastes time.  Pushing through moves you forward!

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Being a Self-Employed Anime Artist

Being an anime artist has its perks and yet it has its depressing times.  
It's hard to take the step and become a full time anime artist, you're taking a risk.  Aside from being self-employed you're also doing an art that doesn't get too much attention in mainstream media.  It's very popular on some sites (DeviantArt, Anipan...ect) but over all its a hard job to come by. 

When you do happen to come by a job it's a chance/chance situation.  There are many other people who want that job and sometimes you won't have the art they want.  You could come across a job offer that says "Comic Artist Wanted!" but they may not want you.  They could be asking for an artist with a "western" style or a Superman vibe style, you never know whether or not you're right for the job.  It's like that in the "real" work force too, but the advantage to that is you can make an impression that you're able to do whatever the job offers in person.

Adapting to certain styles is probably the most frustrating thing with this job.  Sometimes your work isn't "quite" what they want but you feel you can tweak it to make it what the client wants.  With that process it might take you longer to actually finish the picture than it would if you were to just draw how you usually do.  But, with those sorts of jobs it gives you the opportunity to practice with adaptation.  Adaptation is an important trait to have.  It shows that you're able to do multiple things aside from just that ONE particular style you do well.  It also helps to broaden your artistic abilities.

Sometimes this job makes you wonder if you're cut out for this.  If you can say to yourself "I want to work this job for the rest of my life".  It'll make you question whether or not this job will put the bacon on the table (with a plate or without).  Risk is important in this job, if you can't fully commit and one day you just want to quit don't start in the first place.  I'm not saying doubts won't be there, we're only human and the most important thing is to survive and be happy while doing so, but you've got to realize that it's the choice you made and it has its challenges.

I've gotten to the point to where I'm actually thinking about getting a small part time job just to make some extra cash during those in between moments for jobs.  I quit my first job for this though so I'm going to go through with it without wavering.  I can tell you this, it's hard but rewarding.

Friday, April 19, 2013

FInished up my Illustration to Animation!

I worked roughly 25 hours total on this animation.  I have to say I'm extremely proud of it.  It's simple, she blinks and breathes.  The lights also dim and my logo shows up!  With this animation(as an illustration) I decided to change up my shading and practice with the light above her.  I also decided to paint the colors of the background, even though the background is also lined I still had room to paint in detail.  
I used 15 fps for this animation.  FPS stands for frames per second.  I really have to pace myself while I'm doing animations because having to repeat steps over and over get's quite irritating.  Even though at times I got frustrated I still push myself through it.  The result of all that waiting and repeating was worth it.  
 I've always loved to animate, even if I am an impatient person, I love the gain from it.  I gain a great reward for all the hard work I put into it.  I'm no professional but this was good practice.
I hope you enjoy the end result as much as I do.  

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Pose practice

Here's the picture I'm working on this morning
 Some needed practice since I haven't drawn in about a week.

Pretty disappointed in myself for how long it's been.  I have been studying things so I'll go easy on myself about the week of not drawing.  But here's where I am right now on this picture.  I plan on posting this up finished by the end of the day!  

I actually decided to animate this picture!  I'll be done the animation by tonight or early tomorrow! :) (Edit on 4/18/2013 at 11:33 a.m.)

It's just of a girl laying on the ground, possibly from boredom or from too much studying.  You'll have to stick around to see the finished product <3.  Thank you if you do!  

There's something about anime that I like

Anime has a certain "taste" about it for me.  It could be the big eyes, cute gestures, or curvy figures that draw me to them, or it could be the story lines that people produce that make them so enticing.  Either way, I have a taste for anime, it won't be something that will leave my life any time soon.

My history with it is a little boring and vague but I'll tell you how I got into anime.  Before being properly introduced to anime I was into cartoons.  Simple Nickelodeon shows were my niche in my younger years.  I mainly watched Rugrats, it was my favorite show.  Later on I got into Pokemon and when my brother and sister would come over we would all watch Dragon Ball Z.  I didn't think of them as "anime" at the time but became familiar with the term none too many years following.
 During my ninth grade year I moved in with my other half of my family, because my mom had moved away due to a temporary job transfer, so I got to spend some time growing up with my older siblings.  The whole new family switch up was alright at first but I soon realized it wasn't vacation but a life change that I had to adapt to.  Sadly, I didn't adjust too well.  I was young and rebellious as well as hormonal, you can see where I'm going with that right?  I had quite a few fall outs with my family, though they wouldn't compare to when I moved back in with my mom but this isn't my main focus of this "history".  I found a small escape into anime.  I guess you could say I thoroughly recognized it as such around that time.  I enjoyed it, in more ways than one.  
The stories drew me in and the art, oh the art, was so amazing.  What I had been exposed to at the time doesn't compare to the art I've been exposed to recently but at the time it was stunning.  I couldn't relate with the fanatical stories, for obvious reasons, but the escape in most of them made me short emotional.  Not in a negative way but relatable in the sense that I could feel how they felt and I really let myself get into the stories.  Mind you, I was very easily influenced at the time.  Never the less I've always been artistic and have always loved cartoons.

Long story short it had an affect on me in many ways and has brought me to this point.  I'm an aspiring anime artist and a lover of anime.  I'm no fanatic but I am a story lover.  I do plan on delving deep into the other aspects of the culture with cosplay, 3D, and plenty of other things.  I plan on bringing everyone along who is willing to join me on this journey.  

I'm an impatient person but I'm learning to be patient, especially with my dreams.