Friday, April 26, 2013

How I feel about that urge to give up(Artist perspective/advice)

There's always a big urge in the back of your mind when you have doubts.
It tells you to give up.  You want to just say "I give up" and actually follow that feeling.
 I feel that from time to time like any other person, artist or not. 

When I want to give up I force myself to say otherwise.  It's hard to do so.  
To say to yourself "No, I won't give up" and to actually feel that way.  It's natural
to have the urge to want to give up from time to time; you have to remember that the only
person who's giving up is yourself.  You DO NOT benefit from giving up.  
That feeling of doubt may be gone but it is soon followed by a feeling disappointment.

Disappointment in yourself that you couldn't stick it out and continue your
commitment.  People say honor your commitment.  I agree.  I believe that if you made
that decision to do it you should.  You'll feel better if you stick things out and accomplish
goals you set for yourself.

Just because I'm saying this is something that can help you get rid of that feeling
doesn't mean you won't get it again.  It's all about the discipline you give yourself to push through and accomplish things.

So don't give up or give in.  Stick through it and do things even if you feel like you want to give up.
Giving up only wastes time.  Pushing through moves you forward!

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